Published on April 24, 2012 by Renée Ouimet
National Mental Health Week, from May 7 to 13, 2012, will kick off an annual mental health promotion campaign. This year’s theme focuses on the important link between sense of security and mental health. Individuals, groups and organizations are invited to mobilize and create activities in their own way.
Published on October 20, 2011 by Isabelle Doré
The promotion of physical activity is a top priority in public health. It is now recognized that physical activity improves the overall health of individuals and reduces the risk of several chronic physical illnesses. Studies have recently confirmed the positive impact that physical activity has on mental health. Clinical trials even show the effectiveness of physical activity in the treatment of depression. In terms of mental health promotion and the prevention of common mental disorders among the population in general, the regular practice of physical activity is associated with an improved quality of life and mental well-being, as well as a reduced level of anxiety, depressive symptoms and stress.
Published on April 4, 2011 by Nicole Desjardins
As part of a scientific review on effective interventions in mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention, the INSPQ (2008) proposes a conceptual model for assessing the relevance of measures that can be implemented to promote health and prevent mental disorders.