Published on February 28, 2013 by Alan Regenstreif
It is common knowledge that the population of older adults is significantly increasing and that those who live in the community often face social isolation. What may be less well-known is that social isolation can have a detrimental effect on the mental health of this population1. For example, socially isolated older adults may be at greater risk for cognitive decline…
Published on January 31, 2013 by Marie-Lyne Roc
For decades, social workers have been active in the field of mental health through interventions involving people and their environment. They consider individuals’ subjective reality, context and living conditions, as well as their social roles and network, from a perspective of recovery, empowerment, full citizenship and social justice.
Published on January 2, 2013 by Matthew Menear
The mission of the Health and Welfare Commissioner is to contribute to improving the health and welfare of the Quebec population through appraisals of the performance achieved by the province’s health and social services system. The Commissioner also makes public information that informs societal debates and government decision-making. In December 2012, the Commissioner released its fourth appraisal report, which examines the performance of Quebec’s mental health system.
Published on September 24, 2012 by Laurence J. Kirmayer
Nearly 20% of the Canadian population is foreign-born. Every year Canada welcomes approximately 250,000 migrants, 10% of whom are refugees. Providing quality health care to immigrants and refugees requires recognition of the unique factors that affect their mental health.
Published on August 29, 2012 by Jean-Remy Provost
Community organizations have played a pivotal role in the development of Supported Self-management (SSM) for many years. The key element in that support is ensuring that individuals afflicted with a mental disorder are involved in decisions about their own mental health.
Published on May 29, 2012 by Luc Desrochers
Suicide is a complex and multidimensional health issue that affects Quebec society more than most. Known risk factors are present in several segments of the population
Published on April 24, 2012 by Renée Ouimet
National Mental Health Week, from May 7 to 13, 2012, will kick off an annual mental health promotion campaign. This year’s theme focuses on the important link between sense of security and mental health. Individuals, groups and organizations are invited to mobilize and create activities in their own way.
Published on March 28, 2012 by Emmanuel Poirel
Since the 90s, school environments have undergone significant changes in view of improving the system’s efficiency (the fight against dropping out and the challenge of student’s success. Youth health has also been targeted through various initiatives such as the “Healthy Schools” approach. Colleges are now also starting to adopt such approaches because, among other reasons, studies show that youth transitioning into adulthood are at increased risk of psychological distress.
Published on February 28, 2012 by Mai Thanh Tu
Quebec has been experiencing a mini baby boom since 2005, the greatest increase registering in mothers aged 25-39 years. In most cases, it is a first pregnancy and birth.
Now more than ever, parents have access to a host of resources to help them through the pregnancy and prepare for their newborn’s arrival.
Published on January 24, 2012 by Arlène Laliberté and Georgia Vrakas
Indigenous people of Canada and elsewhere experience severe and systematic disempowerment with devastating health and social impacts. These are reflected in the staggering number of Aboriginal people in long-term care, such as drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, mental health inpatient and forensic mental health units in the judiciary system.